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Animal Roleplays

These roleplays include, but aren't limited to, wolf roleplays, horse roleplays and warrior cat roleplays

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Teen Roleplays

Any roleplay having to do with teens should go here. (This includes immortal roleplays having to do with teens!!!)

Moderators: Moderators, Mini-Moderators
29Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:10 pm
Blue Puppy An abandoned insane asylum, a group of teens, a movie in the making.
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Immortal Roleplays

Any roleplay having to do with immortals (Angels, Demons, Vampires, Fallen Angels, werewolves, etc.) would go here. Note: There are no sub-tobics because there is such a wide variety of immortals

Moderators: Moderators, Mini-Moderators
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Other Roleplays

Any roleplays that don't fit in the other categories would go here.

Moderators: Moderators, Mini-Moderators

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